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The UK & Ireland tender advisory and research service
Discover contract opportunities
perfect for your business
Contract Value:
Welcome to Contract Finder Pro
The UK & Ireland tender advisory and research service

WHAT WE DO • Identify public sector contract opportunities • Keep you up to date with the latest tenders • Deliver tailored public sector market analysis • Search all UK tender portals, such as Find a Tender and Contracts Finder

Sick of missing out on tenders and contracts?
With Contract Finder Pro, you never have to worry again
Discover contract opportunities perfect for your business

Find a tender the easy way

With thousands of tenders to search through, finding the projects that are right for your business can be a real hassle.
Not to mention, in one year, less than 40% of government tenders were published on Contracts Finder, the official public sector procurement portal
So where are the other 60%?

Contract Finder Pro makes it simple

You don’t have to waste time delving through multiple databases and portals any longer.
We search every public sector tender portal available and display only those tenders and contracts that are a perfect match for your business.
And you get daily tender alerts, so you’ll never miss out again.
No fuss. More wins.

Why Contract Finder Pro?


Never miss a tender thanks to tailored daily email alerts

Access more than 250,000 contracts - live and historical

Enjoy personalised, simple and fast searching

Research your rivals with our competitive analysis tool


Flash emails alert to time sensitive opportunities*

Analyse buyer behaviour - explore every UK buying authority

Be informed - over 70,000 UK public sector tenders where issued in 2021

Cancel any time with our monthly, low cost subscription

Contract Finder Pro Stats

Business & Financial
Education & Training
Community & Social
IT & Telecoms
FM & Waste
Defence & National Security